DW Windsor Westminster Lantern Installations
DW Windsor's Westminster is hand-crafted from copper, with a double-glazed polycarbonate cone. They were previously sold as high-pressure sodium and metal halide lanterns, but nowadays also include the option for an LED array. They are intended for mounting heights between 4m and 6m, the design inspired by the first lanterns in royal parks.
The grade II listed Aston Cross Clock has an installation featuring two DW Windsor Westminsters. The column itself dates to at least 1952, with the actual clock tower being installed in 1891 to replace a ruined medieval clock.
Both lanterns are day-burning, running an LED array, but this is not original. It was a modification made in April of 2014, the lanterns having run SON originally. I found images online which show the column without the lanterns, while the retrofit was being performed. Click here to see the images.
The cone reflects the LEDs, meaning we can see there are 24 in total. A minicell is visible on the lantern. Both lanterns have a cell, it's just that both have failed!