Holophane RSL-350 Lantern Installations

These post-top lanterns by Holophane were designed to run up to 150W high-pressure sodium, up to 175W metal halide or up to 250W mercury lamps. The RSL-350 was designed with residential areas in mind; they feature a house-side prismatic shield to stop glare from entering houses, and a tough cast aluminium body and hat.


Holophane RSL-350 lanterns are a rare(ish) post-top oddity. I haven't spotted any before, but this one was discovered in Birmingham, on Newton Street. It is mounted on a wall bracket, and likely runs 50W or 70W SON. Metal halide and mercury vapour examples also were available.


These examples are located outside the Burton Probation Office, and it's believed they've all been retrofitted using LED cob lamps.

The bowls are quite yellowed, so they may have run higher-powered lamps.

The other two examples closest to the road:


This post-top example is located on a small driveway off Worthington Road.