Holophane Wallpackette II Lantern Installations

The Holophane Wallpackette II was a robust bulkhead, and an icon in it's own right. They mostly came in 80W-125W MBF-U forms, with some later being re-lamped with SON lamps. Spotted all around the UK, they are one of the most-recognisable bulkheads among enthusiasts...


Some Wallpackette IIs were spotted along Suffolk Street; there are three-total. I photographed two. They are all fitted with anti-vandal cages, as the bulkheads are located at (or slightly above) head-height.

The furthest lantern in the above image:

Followed by the middle lantern:

Kettlebrook, Tamworth

This day-burning example was spotted on the 29th May 2024 with it's nearing-EOL 80W MBF-U lamp. It's located on Tame Street. A mini photocell is just-about visible protruding from the canopy, meaning that it is not manually operated. A glimpse on street view reveals that this bulkhead has been day-burning since 2014, a whole decade!