Philips MA60 Lantern Installations
The Philips MA60 was the largest MA lantern and highest wattage of MA lantern. It ran 180W SOX, with remote and integral geared versions having been available. The Mk.1 integral geared versions were extremely long, at over 5ft! A large shoe was the integral geared version, with the remote geared version having had a smaller shoe or spigot.
Some remote-geared Mk.1 MA60s are located along Tollhouse Way. They are mixed in with Philips Lumistreets.
This close-up reveals the LED column is newer than the columns supporting MA60s. It is currently unknown when this replacement scheme will resume.
A close-up of the first column visible in the image.
Watling Street in Brownhills is lined with integral-geared Mk.1 MA60s. These massive fixtures were pictured on a gloomy September day in 2024, running 180W SOX. The closest column pictured below is column E168
Much further down the road, E128 was also photographed. Look closely and you can see two day-burners in the background.
Followed by E103: