Philips SGS305 Lantern Installations

The Philips Trafficvision was an iconic post-top or side-entry SON lantern. Lamps up to 150W were admissible in the small version (SGS305), whereas the larger SGS306 was built for lamps of 150W and above. The SGS305 had unique contact points allowing for the complete removal of the gear-area without disconnecting any wires, something not often seen on lanterns. Despite this intelligent design, these lanterns often suffered water intake issues after about a decade.

A4091, Tamworth

The smaller Trafficvision, the SGS305, is located on main roads here in Tamworth. They can be seen along the south stretch of the A4091, along with Thorn Civic 2s. Pictured here, are two SGS305s on the round-about behind this remote geared Philips MA50.

This one is located on the stretch of road between the two roundabouts linking County Drive to the A4091. They likely run 150W SON.

Due to less-than-ideal conditions, it was difficult to get a picture of one of these fittings, so it's slightly blurry.

...So here's a slightly better picture taken on an even worse day! When the weather clears up, I'll be on the move to capture better pictures of these lanterns.

The columns continue after a short interruption of Urbis Frogner Smalls, E13 is the next trafficvision, with E14 being the first one I pictured:

They are all on 10m columns with post-top spigot adaptors.

The lanterns continue until the road meets the countryside.

Column E22, the last column on the road through Tamworth: