Urbis Evolo Lantern Installations
The Urbis Evolo is an extremely common lantern in Staffordshire. It may even be the most common metal halide lantern still on the roads today.
Borough Park, Tamworth
These examples are located on Perrycrofts Crescent, Tamworth. They run 45W CosmoPolis lamps.

There are also some side-entry lanterns on the road.

Tamworth Town Centre
Opposite the Train Station in Tamworth, the Urbis Evolos have the reversed optic!

A close-up reveals the CPO lamp inside.

These installations have sadly been removed as of February 2024. Don't panic though! If you still want to view Urbis Evolos with the reversed optic, the cycleways around Bolebridge Street and Ankerdrive have reversed-optic Evolos! The first example isn't too bad, but the increase in tree coverage means they get grubbier and grubbier...

The second column:

Column 3 has the worst lantern in terms of cobwebs and grime!