WRTL 2500 Lantern Installations

Also sold as the "Lamda" WRTL's 2500 was incredibly popular in areas of the UK. The lanterns could run 24W-80W PL or 18W TLD (2ft) lamps. While the lanterns themselves were side-entry only, they could be ordered with a post-top adaptor which would allow post-top applications.


Southbourne Place hosts quite a unique 2500 installation. This 36W PL-L example was slapped on a cast-iron as a casual replacement for a GEC Z9531. The column also acts as a feeder for this section of road.


The WRTL 2500 is on a rapid decline here in Tamworth and the surrounding Midlands. It's a side-entry lantern but can come with a post-top adaptor, so most examples (that I've seen) have been mounted post-top. These ones are on Rosy Cross, Tamworth.

A close-up ou can see the 55 LUX photocell on top.

Another WRTL 2500 exists on Alexander Mews, this one without the post-top adaptor spigot.