WRTL Vectra X Lantern Installations

The WRTL Vectra was one of the UK's most iconic lanterns. It could come in three sizes depending on the lamp-type and application. The small lantern has a unique variant which appeared on the UK's zebra crossings in the late 1990s and early 2000s; The Vectra X was a variant of the smallest Vectra which was designed with an asymmetrical reflector and off-centred lamp in order to distribute light onto zebra crossings.

Coton Green, Tamworth

In Coton Green, on Fontenaye Road, are two small WRTL Vectra Xs with flat glass bowls. They run 70W CDO-TT lamps and they light up a pedestrian crossing.

When the road was lit with SON, the white light would have made the Zebra crossing stand out, but with the installation of LEDs, not so much anymore...

Stonydelph, Tamworth

A similar set of installations is present on Crowden Road.

The lanterns are showing their age, but are still holding up well!

From underneath, the lamps off-centred position is clear, along with the reflector's asymmetric shape. Unusually, the first example has a 70W SON-T lamp installed...

...whereas the second example has a 70W CDO-TT (CityWhite) lamp fitted. This is likely due to a lamp failure in the first example. Due to it's importance of lighting a crossing, they may have used whatever lamp was available to keep it going.