Holophane V-MAX Lantern Installations

I'll just come right out and say it, I don't like the V-Max. I can't escape them, they're everywhere! Nearly all of the main roads are littered with them, but hey, this isn't the time for a rant, you're here for pictures! While I don't have many, I have an interesting set!

Amington, Tamworth

This example is mounted to a hinged 4m column, on Tamworth Road. I've never seen one mounted so low, but it's like this due to the overhead cables seen in the image.

On a new housing estate in Tamworth, exist several V-Maxes in a sea of seemingly-random lanterns. My guess is that the contractors used left-over LED and MH stock for this area. The lanterns use SELC 8480 photocells.

Just as you exit the estate, you can see a V-Max mounted at 5m on an almost new column. It replaced an Industria 2600 on a 5m Abacus raise-and-lower column.

Tamworth Town Centre

Riverdrive, Ventura is littered with V-Maxes, pictured here from below with the moon in the background, providing a clash of my two main interests: street lights and space!

Leyfields, Tamworth

This loosened V-Max was spotted on the 29th February 2024, and was pictured in April of 2024. It's located on Chesterton Way.

Kettlebrook, Tamworth

It's this V-Max, who's entire purpose is to light up this roof... only joking, it wasn't installed like this (I hope!) What likely happened is the grub-screws loosened and allowed the lantern to be swung round by the wind. This one is located on Tame Street, Tamworth.

Belgrave, Tamworth

This V-Max is pictured at night, from a close-by pedestrian bridge over the A5. It has one set of LED modules.

A day-burning VMAX can be seen on Field Farm Road, Belgrave. It has been like this for many months now, and it might not be fixed any time soon.

A close up view reveals all 32 LEDs, in groups of 4, which are on modules containing 4 groups of 4 LEDs on each. The lantern has 2 modules in total.