Thorn Piazza Lantern Installations

Tamworth Town Centre

The Thorn Piazza bulkhead is often used on buildings here in Tamworth. These bulkheads, however, are located on the side of a bridge near the SnowDome (the same bridge that these ELECO GR551s are under). Not much is left of them, owing to decades of vandalism and exposure to the elements. They are so badly damaged that I didn't even realize they were lanterns until a close-up inspection on the 05/03/2024. The first one is recognizable to an extent, but little is left of it's bowl, and the inside has been spray painted blue. You can see the ignitor and capacitor. These likely will have run SON 70W.

While the first one has some semblance of it's original form, the second one is... well, I'll let the picture speak for me...

It looks to have been covered at some point, possibly to protect against sharp pieces of bowl falling onto the pathway beneath. Clearly this did not work.

Some abandoned Piazzas exist on a derelict petrol station in Tamworth Town Centre.

I doubt theres any chance of these being saved unless I can get permission to get them down myself.