Unidentified Globe Lanterns Near Me

This page depicts all of the unidentified globe lanterns in and around my area. They come in a range of sizes, lamp types and designs.


These abandoned installations are located around the Ankerside car-park building in Tamworth. They are only mounted at 4m, and many are smashed to bits.

Looking closely, we can see that the lantern and column are separate, with the lantern attaching right at it's base. It is not known what make they are or what they run, if anything anymore. I do wish to save one or two of these, but I'm not sure who owns them to ask.

The next lantern is rooted in a large concrete block which is sitting on the grass.

You may have spotted that the lantern is slightly misshapen, and you'd be correct! I moved around to the back of the globe to see a large dent. This provides some insight into what the globe may be made out of: some kind of flexible plastic.

This is unusual, as a double armed column nearby supports two similar globes, but one is shattered. It's left globe is probably made of much more brittle polycarbonate or acrylic, while the right globe is made of the same material as the previous two examples. Whether these are the same type of globe and came with the options of two materials, or they are made by different companies is not known.

The left globe is also notably lighter in tone than the right one, implying a shorter service life and/or a different material.

JHS Carpets, Tamworth

Some globes are located on the grounds of JHS Carpets, Tamworth, mounted 6m above ground-level. They have a distinctive black cover and an unusual base. These were retrofitted to LED back in 2016, having previously run 70W SON. Yellowing can be seen on the globe, implying a polycarbonate composition.

Birmingham City Centre

Throughout Birmingham City Centre are several ornate lampposts with unidentified top-entry globe lanterns. Most columns have four of these, and they appear to run 100W CityWhite lamps. (My best guess is that they're made by Candela Light, as their fixtures have a wide range of design and detail options. Candela lanterns are also used throughout Birmingham in vast numbers.

A close-up of one of the lanterns.

A view of the lamppost adjacent to the previous example.