My Collection: DW Windsor DW400

Manufacturer DW Windsor
Catalogue Number (model) DW400
Wattage 50W
Lamp-Type SON-T
Gear Modified (added)
Ballast Zodion ZEBC 70 Smart Electronic Ballast
Photocell Zodion SS12A
IP Rating (when new) IP66
Date Of Manufacture ~~/09/2015
Date On Photocell ~~/08/2015
Date Acquired 08/12/2024
Restoration Status As-Received (NOS)
Collection Number #135

This DW400 was a purchase from eBay, it did not come with a gear inside but was in NOS condition, with only a few scuffs from storage. This one is a post-top example, and was ordered for 50W SON-T lamps. Why it was never used is not known, perhaps it was placed on reserves for repairs that never came.

Access to the lantern's innards are accessed by undoing three clips located around the bowl.

A small shaped-metal rod acts as a hinge to keep the bowl attached to the lantern in the event of servicing.

The identification-sticker of the lantern is located on the reflector tray, with a hole cut for the optic. Removal of the tray is achieved via the loosening of the two large screws present at the front and rear of the tray.

Annoyingly, the lamp-holder section is designed to sit in the two holders at either-side of the lamp-holder hole. This means that any time the lantern is placed upside-down or on it's side in storage it falls out and into the lantern. I've since negated this with some Blu Tack.

The ballast would not fit on the gear tray to the side of the lantern, and thus had to be mounted at the top.

Beneath the ballast is a safety test sticker, where a date (as well as who tested it) can be found.

The optic consists of four adjustable metal plates, two of which are hidden beneath the gear tray.

The lantern's photocell: