My Collection: ELECO Welwyn

Manufacturer ELECO
Catalogue Number (model) Welwyn
Wattage 25W
Lamp-Type GLS
Date Of Manufacture ~1965
Date Acquired 08/11/2024
Restoration Status Cleaned
Collection Number #115

This version of the ELECO Welwyn made its debut in 1964 when the design was changed to suit B.S.1788. This is odd, as that was a specification to reduce the amount of light cast directly below lanterns, an open lantern wouldn't apply. The design change was announced in an advert with the Lancaster and Golden Ray mk.III so they may have just included the new design with those two which were redesigned for B.S.1788.

Part of what was likely a telegraph pole bracket remains attached to the lantern.

The dome-refractor is fitted with two metal prongs. a "House Side" marking is printed into the glass.

The lantern is rusted throughout the inside, but for an open lantern it isn't in bad condition.

The lantern running a 25W GLS lamp: