My Collection: GEC Z5045

Manufacturer GEC
Catalogue Number (model) Z5045 Series
Wattage GLS
Lamp-Type 200W
Gear Original
Date Of Manufacture Late 1940s
Date Acquired 26/12/2024
Restoration Status Cleaned
Collection Number #138

This was the second open-reflector lantern to enter the collection. It has done some hours in it's life, and while the lantern itself is in good condition, the reflector has seen such a huge amount of decay that it needs to be held on with cable ties. Still, for such a rare lantern I am thrilled to have one in my collection! It's better to call this addition to the collection an installation rather than a lantern, as it comes complete with a corner-wall or pole bracket.

The lantern features a small dome-refractor to distribute light from the GLS lamp.

An original GEC lamp-holder can be found inside. The plan is to restore and use the same lamp-holder for the lantern.

With such a huge amount of corrosion, the inside of the lantern is visible without removing the reflector:

A street side label is still surprisingly present on the "front" of the lantern.

The lantern looks to have been painted quite recently.

A small chunk of finial is missing off the bracket, the fact the inside of the snap is painted confirms the paint is a recent job.

The bracket is believed to be a REVO design, but there are no visible letters anywhere on it, whether this is because it never had a logo, or it became too corroded to see is unclear.