My Collection: GEC Z5678/9

Manufacturer G.E.C
Catalogue Number (model) Z5678/9
Wattage 9.1W or 26W
Lamp-Type LED GLS or SOX-E
Gear None (remote)
Photocell ????? CdSi two-part detector
Date Acquired 29/05/2024
Restoration Status Cleaned
Collection Number #43

The GEC Z5678/9 is the 45-60W SOI-H or 35W SOX lantern in the Z5670 series. It's a post-top lantern designed for 4-5m mounting heights, and this one is mine! It runs 26W SOX-E and 35W SOX on the regular, but I do sometimes put incandescent lamps inside. Thank you to AgentHalogen_87 for giving me this lantern from his collection.

The Z5670 series of lanterns have the wider canopy made from GRP or aluminium. This one is GRP which tends to show it's age over long periods of time, and this was no exception! After 20 minutes of scrubbing, the dirt still wasn't freed!

In the centre of the canopy is a tarnished CdSi two-part detector. It's make is unknown.

Imprinted into the canopy towards the edge is the "disconnect supply before servicing" label which appears on all lanterns.

Upon undoing the clip, the lantern hinges-open upwards. The identification sticker (along with other information) is on the canopy's underside.

The "ZD (Number/Letter)" label is visible on most if-not-all GEC parts. Presumably these are the pieces' CAT numbers, in case spare parts are to be ordered.

New wiring was placed into the lantern as the old wiring was falling to bits. Also installed was a new (temporary) lamp-holder as the springs were seized in the old one.

The lantern was hooked-up to a gear-board and powered on to be photographed:

Notice below the thin ring of light just under the canopy. I believe the lantern would have had seal here but it has long-since withered away.