My Collection: GEC Z9536 (1)

Manufacturer G.E.C
Catalogue Number (model) Z9536
Wattage 55W
Lamp-Type SOX
Gear None (remote)
Photocell Zodion CdSi two-part detector
Date Acquired 11/04/2024
Restoration Status Cleaned
Collection Number #33

G.E.C's Z9536 was the 55W SOX, remote-geared, side-entry lantern in the Nightwatch series. They were incredibly common throughout the late 1970s to the early 2000s, and may still remain in-service to this day. This is the first G.E.C Z9536 in the collection, and the first Nightwatch overall! It runs 55W SOX and sports the later-GRP canopy. It's nearly physically identical to my other G.E.C Z9536, but this one has a two-part cell instead of a NEMA cell. This lantern was gifted to me by fellow collector AgentHalogen_87.

The bowl is easy to remove, with a metal rod clip at the back of the lantern. Once undone, the bowl hangs open on the hinge at the front of the lantern, and can be removed entirely by lifting the bowl over the hinge.

A closer look at the G.E.C Z9536's sticker...

The GRP canopy and G.E.C label would date this lantern back to the 1970s. Fitted onto the lantern is a (disconnected) Zodion two-part cadmium sulphide detector.

A view of the lantern wired up and switched on for the first time after entering the collection. The under-profile showcases the distinctive shape of the lantern.