My Collection: GEC Z9539

Manufacturer G.E.C
Catalogue Number (model) Z9539
Wattage 55W
Lamp-Type SOX
Gear Modified
Ballast Philips BSX 355 L??
Ignitor Philips SX 72
Capacitor RBR RI008HP (10μF)
Photocell Zodion CdSi two-part detector
IP Rating (when new) IP54
Date On Capacitor ~~/07/2009
Date Acquired 15/05/2024
Restoration Status Cleaned
Collection Number #39

The G.E.C Z9539 was the pendant mounted, integral-geared, 55W SOX model in the Nightwatch series. This one was an eBay purchase, but it lacked anything in terms of a gear, photocell, lamp-holder, lamp-support or lamp. It has the older aluminium canopy, and was the second Nightwatch lantern to enter the collection. The missing components were all installed once I received the lantern.

What looks like the outline of a concrete bracket is visible on the lantern's aluminium canopy.

The photocell I installed is a Zodion CdSi two-part detector. It's not connected and is there purely for looks!

The lantern sports the iconic G.E.C metal clip. The metal ring can be pushed down and moved over to release the clip and open the bowl.

The lantern uses the same gear-tray as the smaller G.E.C Z9532, resulting in an off-centred appearance. A length of earth wire was used as a temporary lamp-support.

With the removal of two screws, the gear tray can be opened, hinging from the canopy. The lantern used the gear from an MI50-GO.

The gear consists of a Philips SX72 ignitor, a Philips BSX 355L ballast and a 10 microfarad capacitor. Originally, the lantern would likely have had a leak-transformer fitted.

The lantern was rigged up with a temporary cable to test.