Manufacturer G.E.C
Catalogue Number (model) Z9580
Wattage 35W
Lamp-Type SOX
Gear None (remote)
IP Rating (when new) IP54
Date Acquired 23/11/2023
Restoration Status Part Restored
Collection Number #12

The G.E.C Z9580 is the remote-geared, side-entry version of the Z958X series of lanterns. They are tiny fixtures, and are the smallest SOX lantern with a horizontal lamp. This G.E.C Z9580 is technically the second I received, however I only received them about half an hour apart. It ran 35W SOX when in service and still runs 35W SOX in my collection. It was installed on a Stanton 5m concrete column.

The bowl is knackered, having been shot at repeatedly, leaving holes all over, the hinge is also broken. Despite this, it somehow stayed up there and didn't fall off. Rust can be seen on the gear tray lamp holder mounter inside. Earwigs were infesting this lantern. It took me a while to remove them, but it was worth it!

Removing the bowl (no effort required haha) reveals some rust beginning to rear it's ugly head. Despite this, none of the screws were seized and were easy to remove!

A look at the internal wiring with the gear tray removed:

From here you can see the lantern's sticker and IP rating at the time of manufacture.

Here is the final product, lit for the first time since I acquired it! It even kept the 35W SOX tube it came with!

The lantern was fitted with a new bowl in early 2024. The old bowl was thrown into a skip and discarded of. The gear tray was also painted matt grey.