MY COLLECTION: Philips MI26 (2)

Manufacturer Philips
Catalogue Number (model) MI26 HF*1
Wattage 35W
Lamp-Type SOX
Gear Modified
IP Rating (when new) IP65
Date Of Manufacture 27/08/1997
Date On Photocell Socket ~~/06/1997
Date Acquired 05/02/2024
Restoration Status Cleaned
Collection Number #21

This is the 2nd Philips MI26 in the collection (third if you count the FGS103 as an MI26, which I don't). The Philips MI26 also goes by the XGS103. The FGS103 is the fluorescent version of the lantern. This one has the Swiss cheese gear tray, and dates back to 1992.

Removing the bowl shows off the Swiss-cheese gear tray, usually MI26s have the gear mounted on the inside of the canopy of the lantern, but in this version it would've been mounted on the tray.

One thing I find interesting about this lantern is it is internally fused, I haven't seen many do that!

Removing the gear tray reveals where the original gear would have been. I may install a new gear or run standard lamps in this lantern, but I'm not too sure yet. I think with the special gear tray, it deserves a new gear!

A 1992 date code can be seen embedded into the GRP canopy of the lantern.

On the 12/03/2024, the lantern was disassembled and thoroughly cleaned.

The difference is astonishing! It's amazing what a scourer and some soapy water can do!