My Collection: Philips Stela Wide

Manufacturer Philips
Catalogue Number (model) Stela Wide - ST2WD52/09.2WCW/DC/PT/8M/BHAMPFI
Wattage 56W
Lamp-Type LED board
Gear Original
Ballast Philips Xi FP 150W 0.2-0.7A SNLDAE 230V S240 sXt
Photocell Telensa T2E1C-G-1
IP Rating (when new) IP66
Date Of Manufacture ~~/03/2016
Date On Photocell ~~/10/2015
Date Acquired 29/12/2024
Restoration Status Cleaned
Collection Number #137

The Philips Stela Wide is the largest lantern of the Stela series, originally launched by WRTL. This example has 52 LED's total. Sadly some of them are defunct due to the condition in which the lantern was discovered. Below are some images of the lantern on the day I acquired it: illegally dumped in Birmingham.

It's a very large LED lantern, measuring 66x40cm.

From above, the driver-area, radio-node and company logo are visible.

The node fitted is a Telensa T2E1C-G-1 radio-node

The lantern is fitted with anti-tamper grub-screws (and most other screws too) which proved difficult during the rescue.

Three anti-tamper screws hold the lid on the driver compartment. Once removed access to the compact internals is gained.

Two stickers are present inside: one on the driver-tray and another on the lantern's body. Notice the lantern was ordered specifically for Birmingham PFI:

On the underside of the lid, spots for drilling a hole for a NEMA socket or minicells/radio-nodes are highlighted in the aluminium.

The lantern lit the day after it was acquired: