My Collection: Simplex Aries (3)

Manufacturer Simplex
Catalogue Number (model) Aries 55
Wattage 36W
Lamp-Type PL-L
Gear Modified
Ballast Tridonic Digital Ballast
Date Acquired 11/04/2024
Restoration Status As-Received
Collection Number #34

The Simplex Aries comes in two versions, 35W SOX and 55W SOX. The easiest way to identify them is by the length of the lantern. The 55W version is noticeably longer than the 35W version, owing to the larger size of the SOX lamps. This lantern can come in either remote-geared or integral-geared versions, though the integral-geared version is quite rare. The canopy is made from GRP (fibreglass) with the bowl being composed from polycarbonate. Thank you to AgentHalogen_87 for this unique, customized version of the 55W Simplex Aries. This Aries (unlike it's SOX counterparts) runs 36W PL-L! It honestly looks made for it, especially as the electronic ballast fits perfectly over the two screw holes in the canopy!

A closer view of the Tridonic Digital Ballast inside. It is dated 04.10.2010, though this won't be the lantern's manufacture date.

The lantern was already wired up and ready to go, so nothing needed to be done to it.