My Collection: Thorn Beta 2

Manufacturer Thorn
Catalogue Number (model) Beta 2
Wattage 55W
Lamp-Type SOX
Gear Original
Ballast Thorn G53332.4
Ignitor Thorn EMI G53421
Capacitor Cambridge Capacitors (6μF)
Photocell Zodion SS6
IP Rating (when new) IP54
Date Of Manufacture ~~/09/1993
Date On Photocell Socket ~~/09/1993
Date On Photocell ~~/07/2018
Date On Capacitor ~~/03/1993
Date Acquired 05/02/2024
Restoration Status Full
Collection Number #20

The Thorn Beta 2 was a popular SOX lantern in the UK. They were the 55W SOX version of the hugely popular Beta 5 lantern. This is mine! It has been kept in as-acquired condition (minus a clean). It runs a 55W SOX lamp and is the 24th lantern in the collection. Dating back to 1993, this lantern is 31 years old this year!

The photocell socket reveals a more precise date code, September 1993.

But inside the lantern is where the real magic happens!

The gear tray is held on by a very sturdy metal hinge mechanism, which can be opened with the undoing of one screw.

The inside of the lantern was actually clean from debris and bugs too, just a little dirt here-and-there, but nothing a damp cloth wouldn't get rid of! So let's take a look at the gear! The ballast is a Thorn G53332.4, but more unusual is the Thorn EMI labelled, G53421 ignitor. That EMI label means it was manufactured between 1984 and 1987. It may have been implemented into the lantern as a past repair, or may have been placed in from a stockpile of them when the lantern was originally put together.

The 6 micro-farad capacitor is dated 10/93, meaning it was made in the 10th week of 1993, and it certainly looks that way! The 10th week of 1993 translates to mid-march of that year.

The lantern was sanded, cleaned and given a new acrylic bowl in early 2024. It's looking much better now without the yellowed polycarbonate!

As I regularly use this lantern, to save on energy, it was fitted with a 36W SOX-E lamp: