My Collection: Thorn Beta 5 Mk.16

Manufacturer Thorn EMI
Catalogue Number (model) Beta 5 Mk.16
Wattage 35W
Lamp-Type SOX
Gear None (remote)
Photocell Zodion CdSi Detector
IP Rating (when new) IP54
Date Of Manufacture ~~/~~/1984 - ~~/~~/1987
Date Acquired 02/04/2024
Restoration Status Cleaned
Collection Number #27

This is the first Thorn Beta 5 in the collection, coming from AgentHalogen_87's personal collection. It's a Mk.16 remote geared lantern, running 35W SOX. Being the Mk.16, it dates back to between 1984 and 1987. This photograph showcases the lantern in as-received condition. The bowl isn't the lanterns original bowl, evident by the black tape still extant on the lantern's canopy. The tape would have previously kept the original bowl up there!

The lantern's seal was horrendously worn, but other than that the lantern was in decent condition inside.

Much like my Thorn Gamma 6, the lantern boasts the Thorn EMI label, dating it to between 1984 and 1987.

The lantern faced-off with the hoover, and was then given a small wash with soapy water. The seal actually wasn't as bad as I thought! I will still need to get another one though...