My Collection: Thorn Celest

Manufacturer Thorn
Catalogue Number (model) Celest 36W TC-L HFF Cl1 PN
Wattage 24W
Lamp-Type LED BLL
Gear Modified
Photocell Zodion SS6
IP Rating (when new) IP66
Date Of Manufacture ~~/08/2007
Date On Photocell Socket ~~/06/2007
Date On Photocell ~~/07/2018
Date on Lamp 04/10/2024
Date Acquired 04/10/2024
Restoration Status Cleaned
Collection Number #81

The Thorn Celest was a rare lantern throughout the UK; they were far-more common in mainland Europe. Despite this, a few examples were scattered about (mainly on new-ish housing estates). They were aluminium in construction and ran either 36W or 55W PL-L. This one previously ran 36W PL-L, but the gear was removed for spares and the lantern was retrofitted using a 24W LED BLL lamp. Overall, the Celest was a great-quality lantern.

They are simple in shape, best-seen from above. They remind me of a mini Philips MA lantern, and by coincidence, a Mk.1 Philips MA50-GO is poking into view in a lot of the images.

A June 2007 date-compass is present on the NEMA socket:

The Zodion SS6 cell is dated to July 2018:

The spigot can be adapted to fit either post-top or side-entry mounts. Thorn's logo is on the bottom of the lantern between the spigot and the bowl; it's a trait shared by many Thorn lanterns.

Access to the lamp and gear-area is gained via two rigid side-clips.

The LED retrofit lamp is installed inside. A cable-tie needed to be used to keep the lamp steady as the old lamp-support had crumbled with the heat.

Near the lamp-holder is a small metal clip which can be pushed to release the gear-tray.

Due to the retrofit, there is no gear on the tray, but a Philips HF Performer II was fitted here previously.

An August 2007 date mark is still clear:

The LED retrofit lamp running in the lantern: