My Collection: Urbis ZXU1

Manufacturer Urbis
Catalogue Number (model) ZXU1 ZXU1NB-70/1770/FG/NEMA/BK-C/NO-LP/GR-PH/VT-5°/V234487
Wattage 70W
Lamp-Type SON-T
Gear Original
Ballast Urbis BSN 70 L407 ITS
Ignitor Urbis SND 57 Digital Ignitor
Capacitor Cambridge Capacitors (10μF)
IP Rating (when new) IP54
Date Of Manufacture 17/12/2007
Date On Capacitor ~~/07/2007
Date Acquired 01/12/2023
Restoration Status Cleaned
Collection Number #13

This ZXU1 was received on 01/12/2023. It runs 70W SON despite it having being mounted so high (at 10m). Why, you may ask? Well it's purpose was to light up a foot-bridge and the stairs to it. This was until some illegal activity involving doctor's equipment and some controversial species of plants was discovered happening under the stairs, so it was changed to a Holophane R-Line.

The first thing I noticed was the photocell which was attached in a different place, however I now know that this is because of the aluminium reflector inside getting in the way.

The reflector can be seen here, with the removable lamp-holder and it's 70W lamp.

The gear was in great shape! no spiders or creepy crawlies included! That 54 IP rating for the gear still stands strong!

From here we can see a date of 17th December 2007, the canopy has this as well on a compass mark. With this we can deduce that the lantern turns 16 this year!

I've seen this lantern nearly every day for the past 11 years. Every time I walked into town I would look at it as I went past, due to the bridge being really tall I could see so much detail, and now it's safe to say I can see way more!