My Collection: Venture IDT Pro

Manufacturer Venture Lighting
Catalogue Number (model) STL030 IDT Pro
Wattage 25W
Lamp-Type LED
Gear Original
Ballast M.E.C. SPD12A-5KA LED driver
IP Rating (when new) IP65
Date On Photocell Socket ~~/11/2018
Date Acquired 11/04/2024
Restoration Status As Received
Collection Number #32

This slightly-unusual looking lantern was the first LED street light in the collection, excluding my LED flood. This is the 25W version on the Venture IDT Pro, with 50W, 75W and 95W versions also available. This was obtained from fellow collector AgentHalogen_87.

The lantern came with an adjustable post-top adaptor, meaning the lantern has an angular range of 110 degrees.

The post-top adaptor is secured by dozens of interlocking teeth which prevent it from slipping.

A November 2018 date compass is marked into the NEMA photocell socket.

To access the driver compartment, two metal clips can be pushed to open a door based on the bottom of the lantern. Upon opening the compartment, some water ingress was clear. The base of the mounting spigot has rusted likely due to a puddle of water forming there.

The identification sticker is located on the door itself.

A closer look at the M.E.C. SPD12A-5KA LED driver.

This picture demonstrates one of the main issues with LED lanterns. Most try to optimize space to an unbelievable level, resulting in the wiring being crammed into such a tight area. That said, I do quite like this lantern compared to some of the other LEDs out there. 

The lantern was powered up shortly after I obtained it, the LEDs glowing brightly through the glass cover.