Manufacturer WRTL
Catalogue Number (model) 2600.22004 260050/70MC
Wattage 70W
Lamp-Type SON-T
Gear Original
Ballast Tridonic ATCO OMBS 70/50 Z603W
Ignitor Tridonic ZRM 2-ES/C
Capacitor Italiaral Type A (12μF)
Photocell Zodion SS12
IP Rating (when new) IP65
Date Of Manufacture ~~/~~/1992
Date On Photocell ~~/01/2022
Date On Capacitor ~~/11/2007
Date Acquired 06/03/2023
Restoration Status Full
Collection Number #1

WRTL's 2600 was an iconic lantern, not just in the UK but mainland Europe too! Their versatile gear-tray allowed for multiple lamp and gear types to be fitted into the lantern. The trays were held on by two screws, and the bowl by two clips. These things could withstand a lot of harsh treatment, for those reasons the 2600 is my favourite lantern! This one was actually the first lantern in the collection: an eBay purchase. It has since been restored, still running off it's original gear.

The 2600 is a very bulky lantern, but it shares it's shape with no-other, so they are very easy to identify.

From above, the canopy's angular shape manifests. Fitted atop the canopy is a Zodion SS12 photocell.

The lantern still uses it's aging 70W SON-T lamp. the lamp is nearing its EOL, so it struggles to fire up, but still does after a spluttery start!

This lantern actually goes under the Indal tag.

The gear-tray is in good nick! The gear consists of: a Tridonic ATCO OMBS 70/50 Z603W ballast, a Tridonic ZRM 2-ES/C ignitor and a Italiaral Type A 12μF capacitor.

You can just barely see the intended drilling point for a NEMA socket on the underside of the canopy.