Manufacturer WRTL
Catalogue Number (model) 2600.22014 260070MCCFZEBA70
Wattage 500W
Lamp-Type Halogen
Gear Modified
IP Rating (when new) IP65
Date Of Manufacture ~~/~~/2008
Date Acquired 11/05/2023
Restoration Status Partial
Collection Number #2

WRTL's 2600 was an iconic lantern, not just in the UK but mainland Europe too! Their versatile gear-tray allowed for multiple lamp and gear types to be fitted into the lantern. The trays were held on by two screws, and the bowl by two clips. These things could withstand a lot of harsh treatment, for those reasons the 2600 is my favourite lantern! This one was the second lantern in the collection: an eBay purchase. It has since been restored, now running a 500W Halogen lamp. the only planned future change for this is a glass bowl to protect from the halogen lamp, otherwise it shouldn't be kept on for long periods of time (or more than a few minutes!) Either way, it's a nice little lantern with a lamp-type I'm sure no one else has, probably because, well, no one would think or want to do this.... It is missing a clip but I can't find any online, so my only solution is to use some off any future spare lanterns that enter the collection.

Inside is the halogen lamp, and no gear.

I believe the K04 to the right is a date code pointing to November 2004.