My Collection: WRTL Arc 80 X

Manufacturer WRTL
Catalogue Number (model) ARC 80 X 2681.30025
Wattage 45W
Lamp-Type CPO-TW Xtra
Gear Original
Ballast Philips 45 CPO startXtreme electronic gear
IP Rating (when new) IP66
Date Of Manufacture ~~/08/2011
Date On Photocell Socket ~~/04/2011
Date Acquired 12/07/2024
Restoration Status Cleaned
Collection Number #50

The Arc 80 X was the version of the Arc 80 designed to light pedestrian crossings. The lantern's body is the same as the regular Arc 80, but it sports an asymmetrical reflector and an off-centred lamp in order to distribute light onto the crossing. This one runs a 45W Philips CosmoWhite lamp, which is the usual lamp-type for crossing lanterns. From below, the asymmetrical optics are unmistakable.

Through the flat glass bowl, the 45W CPO-TW lamp can be seen.

To access the lamp, a clip on the front of the lantern can be pulled and undone. The canopy can then be hinged open.

The reflector is attached to the canopy, so when lifted, the lamp becomes exposed. It is also worth noting how intelligently designed the Arc 80 X is. The opening of the canopy pulls a terminal block apart, causing the lantern to shut off when servicing is needed.

Inside is a Philips 45 CPO startXtreme electronic gear.

After wiring, the lantern powered on without a hitch.