WRTL SRL 8 Lantern Installations

The WRTL SRL 8 is an extremely robust lantern, sold previously as the GEC Z8830. The canopy is made of GRP (fibreglass) with a polycarbonate bowl; the giant lamp-compartment makes these fixtures look quite barren inside. This lantern wasn't used too-widely in the UK, but they can still be seen around Birmingham.


Column 3 on Langton Crescent sports a 70W SON SRL 8.


These are WRTL SRL 8 Lanterns, located on a footbridge over Stowe Road, Lichfield. They're both badly vandalized: one supporting nothing more than a lamp-holder and a couple of rogue wires. The other is slightly better with it's gear compartment intact, but it has no bowl or lamp. Presumably, these were both running SON lamps before their demise. This is the first WRTL SRL 8.

What remains of the bowl's hinge mechanism, and the lantern's reflectors can be seen among the grime. The inside of the lamp-holder is completely rusted and nothing remains of the gear.

The second one is better, but not by much. This lantern would make an amazing restoration project!

Both lanterns have a post-top adapter.


Heading over to Birmingham, the SRL 8 can be seen everywhere! It most commonly occupies 5m swan-neck columns like this example on Newton Street. The column is a newer Fabrikat column, the bracket has been re-used from the older Birmingham City column.

Just opposite, is this WRTL SRL 8 on the same type of column. It runs 70W SON.